The Price We Paid

Glancing down at their interlocked hands Bai Xian gives a half-hearted smile. Closing his eyes, he savors the warm feeling of holding hands with the one he loves the most. He savors the feeling of having his rough hands interlocked with Li Meng’s soft ones. He savors the feeling of holding the much smaller hands of his lover. Bringing their interlocked hands to his lips, he presses his cold lips in the back of Li Meng’s hand.

Li Meng whispers, “two hours ‘til sunrise, is there anything else you would like to do?”
Bai Xian, “I just want to stay here by your side”

Li Meng glances at Bai Xian with a small smile. Looking down at their interlocked hands he cannot help but curse the universe for being so unfair.

Bai Xian, “you know, when we were little, I really enjoyed watching you chase the butterflies and the light bugs, you were so carefree then. I thought and wishes for you to remain that carefree for the rest of your life. I wanted to help you remain carefree. I wanted to keep you smiling at the world and for you to never face any hardships but looking back now I did the complete opposite. Instead of making you smile I made you cry. I caused you problems and got you punished unfairly, yet you remain by my side. I often wonder if I burden you. I often wonder if one day you will regret meting me. I often wonder if you could ever forgive me. At times I want you to forget me and keep living but the selfish part of me wants to—”

Embracing Xian, Li Meng, “Back then I did all that because you seemed so happy watching me struggle to get a hold of the butterflies and light bugs. I did all that because I wanted for you to always be at peace. I wanted for you to remain at peace and happy. I wanted you live a long life filled with happiness. I…I did the exact opposite. But I hope that in your next life you can life a carefree life and be at peace. I want you to… and although I know that there is nothing that I can do, I want to keep you here with me, I want to keep you a live with me, I want to wake up next to you. I want to keep loving you for I just got you all to myself and now I have to return you. I don’t want to…I want more time in this life to be with you for I love you and I don’t know how long it will take for me to reunite with you.”

They hold on to each other tightly, wishing for sunrise to delay for a couple of years or even just for a few hours more. They hold on tightly wanting for more tome to be together. They hold on tight wishing that their faith will change. Wishing and hoping for a second chance to love one another.

As the sun begins to rise, Li Meng begins to sob softly as he feels the body of his lover going limb and cold on his hands. His sobs increase in volume as rainfall comes to spread his sadness and despair.

Li Meng shouts curses at the universe for taking the one he loves, for taking an innocent soul who deserved better. For making his lover suffer for an innocent act of loving another man.

His screams of sorrow get spread through the rivers of Soaring Waters and the winds of Violet Summit. His screams and sorrow go through the ears of those who supported their love and of those who opposed. His screams are heard and felt. His pain is felt by everyone who knew of their love story and even those who were unaware of their existence.

Those who supported their love wept along with him, wishing that in their next life, if they had one, that they get to meet one another in simpler terms. They hoped for the best for them in their next life. They hoped that the one remaining didn’t have to suffer alone for long.

For those who opposed their love, hearing his pain caused them to fall in shocking realization. For they thought that what they claimed to feel for one another was nothing more than a way to rebel. Hearing his pain caused them to see that what they felt was completely true. Hearing his shouts of despair caused them to wish to turn back time and be among those who celebrated their love. Hearing his screams caused them to wish that they didn’t play a role in their despair.

As the storm picks up his screams stop as his breathing cases to continue.

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