Dancing Pen

The pen dances along the page creating works that play with your emotions. Words that some find comforting and others find boring. Words that captivate your attention making you forget your difficult day or week, for a short moment. Words that get into your mind capturing your attention in order to distract your from your reality for a short while. Words so complicated that make no sense at fist, but after hours of polishing like a one does to diamonds, you begin to see the beauty it tells. Words that need to be erased only to be rewritten once again, for multiple times a day until it finally makes sense.

The pen that only wants to write words of love, all types of love: unrequited love, lost love, first love, and so on. The pen that is so stubborn about wanting to write but not having the confidence to put its work out in the open. In the open for others to read, pull apart, strip to its simplest form, to critique, and label as worth reading or a waste of time. The pen that wants its work to be read from the purest to darkest minds and for them to feel something. Something that makes them cry like a hungry baby or laugh like a toddler that is being tickled. The pen that dances day and night until exhaustion hits, making it fall on the cold wooden table to not be picked for days or even months. But even after a long time of doing nothing, can get back to dancing, creating colorful words that appeal to any type of mood. A pen that even as time passes continues to create with passion with small improvements with the passing of time.

There is nothing like a fresh page waiting to be stained with ink in the oddest yet calming way. A blank page that is waiting to be filled with the darkest of emotions to the purest. There is nothing like having the power to write to your heart’s content, to write until your hands are begging you to take a break. Writing until your brain collapses from the exhaustion of putting words together. Writing not even when the ink runs out from your pen. Writing until the itch in your fingers stops because you have created something out of nothing. Something that many might find to be a waste of time but to you is something that makes you smile even when its rough and has many mistakes and needs serious improvement.

You smile for having your thoughts be part of something. Something that can be legible or maybe not. Smiling because you have just spent four to five hours, or maybe just ten minutes, of your day pulling ideas from your mind about an imaginary world that no one would get to see because you hide your work out of the fear of having others make fun of it. Getting mad and frustrated when the characters do something that ruins the progress they made, even when you have the power to change it. Smiling because you have just done something that expresses who you are without actually having to show it to the rest of the world.

There is nothing like having your hand move down a page so fast, faster than you thought possible. Filling the page with a thought that begged to be expanded and turned into something more than an idea. To bring it to life.

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