Pink In The Air

When the days begin to be filled with more warm sunlight than blue fingers and hot chocolate, the flowers bloom and the world welcomes the newly hatched birds. The newly hatched birds that fill the sky with their colorful feathers and sing to the tune of new love in the warm summer air. The birds that turn the sky into their own private dance floor in their attempt to find a mate.

And just when the air switches from a comfortable cold breeze to a suffocating tight warm hug, I glance down at your head cuddled into my shoulder as you mourn the days filled with pink noses and scarfs. Mourn the days filled with walks down the beach as the cold air dances around us, instead of the condensation from the multiple bodies attempting to cool off in the cold ocean. And just when your body heat overheats my skin, I glance down at your content smile and sparkling eyes that melt all the uncomfortableness away, leaving only happiness for I have you by my side. I smile down at you, hoping for this to never end.

I take your rough hand into my soft ones, guiding you out of the couch and into our own private dancefloor, the tiny kitchen of our overpriced apartment. I take your trembling hand, twirling you back and forth in the small space provided. I spin you around once, twice, ten times, basking in the way your hair flies around us. Basking in the way your trembles go away leaving only a bright smile behind. A smile that reminds me of a younger you from the childhood photos your grandmother showed me behind your back. You know the ones, where you wanted bangs so bad that you took it upon yourself to create them with kitchen scissors. You had the brightest smile ever with your choppy bangs. A smile so tender that I’ll risk my life to protect and never let it dull.

I take your hand in mine and a flashlight in the other as I guide you down the allies to welcome the moon every warm summer night because I know how close you two are. Because I know how the moon consoled you in your darker days when you couldn’t get out of bed. Because I know how in love you are with the moon’s jokes, even if you don’t speak her language. Because I know that the moon worries if she goes a night without seeing you, I guide you outside even if I have to carry you when your legs are too exhausted to take another step. I guide you outside, even if you have to cover your tear-stained face because you don’t want her to see how much of a hard time you are having. I guide you outside because I know how much calmer you’ll be after seeing her.

When the birds switch their dancing shoes for construction shoes, you take my hand, guiding me outside my dark room into the colorful world, that I often forget about. You guide me outside to bid goodbye to the departing birds because you know I won’t forgive myself if I missed it. You take my hands in yours, using your thumb to caress my tears away because you know how hard goodbyes are for me, after having to say it one too many times. You take my hand as you stand silently by my side as I sob myself to sleep. Never judging or offering words of consolation because you know that in times like this all I need.

When brushing my hair becomes too hard, you take the brush from the floor, brushing it for me. You brush it, never letting it form nots or dry out, because you know how much my hair means to me. You force my limbs to move because you know how much my eyes depend on constant movement for full blood circulation.  You feed me boiled vegetables and smoothies every day when my skin pales knowing that I have neglected my wellbeing. You always know what I need. You always know before me when my skies are about to become stormy. You are always there for me and for that I am grateful.

And before we know it, the skies begin to darken faster, and our noses turn pink once again. We take each other on walks on the allies sharing jokes with the moon because somehow, we three have formed a new language that will be in history books. A language that will be immortal, for the moon will never let it die after our departure. For the moon will always remember us. Will always remember how deeply we loved one another.

I take your gloved hand in mine as we dance together in the snowy dancefloor, with all the birds watching from inside their homes. We dance until out coats are too warm and uncomfortable, but we don’t care and keep on dancing. I trip and you pull me up laughing. You trip and I fall with you, never letting you embark on a journey, no matter how small, on your own. Because I know that you hate solo journeys the most.

When the moon and the sun meet each other halfway, I bring you close weaving my fingers through your hair as yours do the same to mine. Locking eyes, I see the sparkle that I love so much. Bringing our pink noses close, we smile brightly as the moon brightens our dancefloor.

To be together is our greatest gift.